Once Primary Care has been completed, a person may be referred to secondary care addiction rehab. Many potential residents are assessed for admission into secondary drug treatment after completing primary care.
Secondary Addiction Treatment addresses behaviours, and underlying emotional problems, that take the person back to active addiction.It’s where a recovering person can practice the tools they need to stay away from drugs or alcohol. In Secondary addiction treatment sessions focus on underlying traumas, beliefs and unhealthy habits. The program encourages the individual to begin taking responsibility for their own recovery in an environment where mistakes will not lead to relapse.
It’s a safe (drug and alcohol free) environment and encourages people in recovery to participate in everyday activities. The Living House provides a supportive and comfortable base from which people can live comfortably in a safe environment and start to take steps back to normal life.
Recovery is not about not using drugs, and a long period of abstinence does not equal success – Recovery is about coping with daily activities.
Secondary treatment is between 1 month – 6months
Treatment & Support options
- For first time help seekers
- For people waiting for treatment
- For people in treatment that require additional support, particularly after hours
- For people who have completed treatment and want to stay on track
- For people in recovery wanting to connect with others or prevent relapse
- For people supporting a significant other with a drug and alcohol problem (Families, friends)
We are offering a FREE 20 Minute session to determine the best solutions for your specific needs.
There is no “Perfect Time” to start getting knowledgeable about addiction.
Don’t overthink it, Just Do It !